J o h n   W i l l a u e r
Senior Systems Software Engineer experienced in development of creative solutions for complex problems for multiple industries.
Traditional formatted resumes:  
doc, or
System Software Designed and Developed:
- Embedded Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems
- Microprocessor Communication Systems
- Autonomous Micro-Controller Systems
- Software Development Tools  
(System Simulators, Conversion Tools, Software Testers, etc)
- Multiprocessor Performance and Reliability Software Analyzers
- Robot Systems
- Designed and created remote I2C control terminal with the ability to edit data on its LCD display. The terminal's PIC 16F1847 software was written in assembly.
- Developed C and assembly I2C software to network a PIC micro-controller, an Arduino, a TI MSP-430, and an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU).
- Designed and created an autonomous wooden walking robot using a TI MSP-430 micro-controller to control the robots three servos. A You Tube video of the robot is on my channel, "Willauer Walker Robot".
- Created a dynamic multi-colored light strip display using WS2812 RGB LCDs controlled by a PIC 12F1822. The PIC's software was written in assembly to meet the WS2812's less than 1 microsecond timing requirement.
- Designed and created a multiprocessor hardware simulator to test
fault tolerant logic for a set of custom built navigation processors.
The simulator would run on multiple platforms.
- Designed and developed embedded software in C for the 63 Intel
80C188 micro-processors used in the Power Distribution Units (PDU) for
Kistler Aerospace's K-1 launch vehicle. (www.KistlerAerospace.com)
- Developed software for an interactive new product prototype for
CD-Audio and CD-ROM for NEC TurboGrafx game machine. Reverse engineered
TurboGrafx ROM code. Research saved Time Warner New Media $3 million.
- Provided active Worldwide Technical Support for NEC TurboGrafx
game product developers. Reduced product development time for several
independent NEC TurboGrafx product developers.
- Created software to reverse engineer and document, logic and data
flow for over 500,000 lines of Assembly and Fortran source code. Reduced
the project completion time for a Jet Propulsion Laboratory contract
from 14 months to 3 months.
- Licensed Ham: KJ6DJD (General)
- Linux/Unix: Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat, DSL, Tiny Core, Sun
- Apple: Mac OS X
- AMR: Arduino
- Microchip: MPLAB-X
- Texas Instruments: MSP430
C/C++, HTML, Perl
Assembly Languages:
- Intel: 8051, 80C186/188, 8080, 8086
- Microchip: PIC 12F18922, 18F1847
- Motorola: 6502, 6800
- NEC: TurboGrafx
- Zilog: Z80
Employers and Clients:
- JBW Enterprises -- (Consultant)
Clients included:
- Kistler Aerospace
- Automated Controlled Environments
- Warner New Media
- NEC Technologies
- Outstanding Professionals Employment Network
- Northrop Grumman -- (Embedded Software Engineer Specialist)
- Litton Industries, Data Systems Division -- (System Software Engineer)
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory / NASA -- (Contractor)
- Lexar, Division of United Technologies -- (Systems Engineer)
- XINCOM, Division of Fairchild Industries -- (Systems Engineer)
University of California at Los Angeles (Extension)
- Certificate in Digital Signal Processing (2005)
- Data Communications
- Distributed Data Porcessing
- Data Base Design
- Systems Management
- Human Factors Engineering
California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo, California
    (Bachelor of Computer Science)
Pierce College Woodland Hills, California
Webmaster: John